Browser speed test 2016, Safari the ultimate winner?
Today I started Safari for the first time after updating to OS X Sierra. I’m a long term Chrome user because in my experience it pretty much always beats the rest of browsers regarding speed. But today after opening Safari I was in awe. Web pages opened so crisply, even Facebook completely loaded in about 2 seconds, something which I can’t remember experiencing in Chrome. So I decided to go more scientific in case this was just my biased perception. I made the Futuremark benchmark found here
These were the results
Chrome before update
As you can notice, Chrome is by far the slowest of them. What was even more baffling was that in the first run I hadn’t updated Chrome. So I naturally did it and re-ran the benchmark expecting an improvement. The contrary happened, Chrome was slower this time around.
Chrome after update
Are you kidding me? – I thought. Software updates are supposed to make applications faster not slower. Perhaps it has something to do with my addons – as I have about 30 – so I re-ran the benchmark in incognito mode on Chrome.
Chrome incognito
The results were once again disappointing; Chrome once again scored worse than expected. Conclusion: Don’t get attached to much to a particular Brower. All tests were performed on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015).